There is a major intersection up the road from me, and it has a fancy, shiny camera that takes pictures of people as they go careening through the intersection. I don't know why it's there, because anybody who runs a red light in this particular intersection is going to DIE, but hey, what do I know? Well, this camera takes pictures pretty much every time the light turns red. Even if nobody is at the intersection. That's right. And yours truly has fallen prey to this light.
I got a letter in the mail a little bit ago stating I had run a red light and been caught by the camera. I can only ASSUME that these mailers go out to EVERYONE who gets a picture taken at this intersection without any kind of oversight. Why do I say this? Because I forgot to mention one important aspect of this intersection. There's a set of train tracks that runs by it. And oddly enough, had anybody seen the picture of me "running a red light" they would have, I would hope, seen the picture of a HUGE ASS TRAIN across the intersection and at least taken the time to investigate it, watch the video, see me come to a stop and turn right, and throw the thing in the trash.
But nope, apparently I have a magical car that is capable of passing through solid matter. I'm expecting the government to come knocking on my door any day now. Oy.